Oakland United Beerworks

You are invited to our Christmas Fundraising Event!

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Join us this Sunday, Dec 10th (12-4PM), as we raise funds for the children affected by the Maui wildfires. We are committed to donating 100% of the proceeds generated during the event to Makana no nā Keiki. a grass roots movement aimed at connecting the children and families impacted by the Aug 8 wildfires to people who want to help. They will distribute the donations during a celebration on December 16th at the Maui Nui Botanical Gardens. Your participation in the OUB event will help bring joy and happiness to the children.

Taproom Food Menu:
Island Oxtail Soup $10
Teriyaki Beef Lunch Plate $12
Spam Musubis $6

We will also be serving up special POG beer mimosas!

You can also CLICK HERE to donate directly. Let’s get together and raise money for the kids! Mahalo!



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