SF Beerweek 2025 Collabs

Hella Coastal 

Name: Change Ahead
Style: Keller Pils (Unfiltered Pilsner)
ABV: 4.44%
Hops: Motueka
Check out our ABV! It fell at exactly 4.44. Numerologists call repeating numbers “angel numbers,” and repeating 4s represent change, transformation, and rebellion. Oakland United Beerworks and Hella Coastal Brewing collaborated on this beer as part of The Inclusion BATCH Project, which works to change the brewing industry into a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive one. By buying and enjoying this beer, you’ll help us donate to further these efforts. The angel number 444 reminds us that all we need is determination and focus, not to mention great beer, to be able to drive transformative, inclusive improvements in the brewing industry!
Collab with Hella Coastal brewing showing brewers at brewhouse

DEI committee and their initiatives

The craft beer industry, while full of creative, energetic and goal-oriented people, is underrepresented across Black, Hispanic, LGBTQ+ and Asian demographics, despite the diversity of the Bay Area. The Inclusion Beer Project (IBP), spearheaded by the Bay Area Brewers Guild, is part of a movement whose ultimate goal is to increase the diversity of people throughout the craft beer space from taproom consumer to brewery management and ownership. Interested breweries, who sign up to be part of the IBP, commit to form a Diversity/Equity/Inclusion (DEI) committee within their organizations and initiate constructive conversations about DEI issues as a first step toward building diversity and representation in our industry. For more information about the IBP, visit https://beerisforeveryone.com/the-inclusion-beer-project/.

Additionally, in 2023 the Bay Area Brewers Guild Diversity Scholarship Fund created a Guild Scholarship Endowment to be facilitated by UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education and dedicated to providing access to brewing education courses and brewing certificate programs to members of historically excluded groups. In 2023, a special beer release created by 6 local craft breweries, and members of the Brewer’s Guild DEI Committee, during SF Beer Week kick started this effort and raised over 40% of the endowment threshold. For more information about the release, visit https://give.ucdavis.edu/UNEX/325294 and https://www.craftbrewingbusiness.com/business-marketing/sf-beer-week-kicks-off-with-this-beer-creates-opportunity-fundraiser-to-launch-diversity-endowment/.

This Keller Pils is a collaboration with the super rad folks at Hella Coastal Brewing, who are members of the Brewers Guild DEI Committee responsible for the IBP and the Scholarship Endowment initiative. This beer is part of the DEI Committee’s Inclusion BATCH Project, specifically supporting the IBP and their initiatives. By buying this beer you are helping us raise funds to help the brewing industry as a whole and our brewery specifically become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive going forward!


Name: Grizzly Peak
Style: Pale Ale
ABV: 5.1% ABV
Hops: Cryo Cascade, Columbus, Simcoe
Each year, Oakland United Beerworks hosts the CA Homebrewer Competition and in 2023, John Jones and Travis Stephens of the local Diablo Order of Zymiracle Enthusiasts (DOZE) Homebrew Club won the “Best in Show” award for their American Pale Ale. In a collaboration with them, we produced this brew, which showcases their “old school meets new school” recipe, hopped with cryo Cascade, Columbus, and Simcoe. Travis’ home in Oakland near Grizzly Peak is typically where they brew their beer, which has garnered numerous accolades throughout their homebrewing careers. Cheers and congratulations!

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